Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sunny With The Chance Of Highlights

This is the time of the year when it is all about renewal and revival. It is time to celebrate this beautiful warm sunny weather by treating yourself to a fresh new lighter and brighter hair color. Don't be afraid to try something new or dare I say different.

For all the blonds out there, the lighter always seems to be "better". If your not already changing your base color, I suggest you do. Even taking your natural hair color one shade lighter and warmer will brighten up your face giving you that instant sun kissed glow. The best part about changing your base color is that you need less highlights to give you that blond look. Less highlights means less bleach and healthier hair. Not only that but a base change will extend the life of your highlights, requiring fewer highlight visits saving you time and money. All this makes it worth the try.

For the darker headed and some timid ladies, going lighter does not have to be scary. Sometimes dark, cool and drab locks can make your skin look sallow and lifeless. How about trying a beautiful rich dark chocolate hair color with some yummy caramel balayage highlights. With a hue that is so soft and natural, keeping up with your new base color is all you need to do to keep this look alive. With that said, many do look amazing with black or extremely dark hair, but sometimes it can look plain and boring. Adding some natural sun-kissed balayage highlights a couple shades lighter then your natural hair color will add a whole lot of interest and really showcase a fabulous cut and brighten your face. With this look you will only need to retouch your highlights every 4 - 6 months!

The Den Salon in Chino Hills
Stylist and Hair Color Artist Sheena Rush

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