Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Truth To Achieving Salon Style At Home Day 2

Series Day 2: Tools Make Or Break It

Most people are very good about taking care of their hair and using the right products...they even buy styling aids to help them with volume or make curly hair straight. That is all great and those types of products do make a huge difference....but they are what they are, styling aids. The blow dryer is the tool needed to do the job. There are only three ways to alter the texture of your hair...1) chemicals 2) hot to cold 3) wet to dry. since we are not using chemicals, that means that you need a hot tool to change the texture of your hair. Styling aids will only assist your styling needs to make results easier, but they will not change your texture alone. Curling irons use hot to cool to change texture, a blow dryer uses both hot to cool and wet to dry. Professional blow dryers have more power, heat and technology to dry, smooth and seal the cuticle hair gently and quickly. A cheap blow dryer will burn hair and the lack of heat and power will not be enough to seal and dry the hair properly, leaving the hair frizzy.
             I also fell victim to buying a cheaper dryer...I felt with all my training I have mastered the art of blow drying to not need to spend money on a good quality dryer. So I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and got a blow dryer for $30. I will tell you right now that my hair looked as if I styled my hair with my feet. My hair had static because it was so dry.... my hair is curly and the lack of heat was not able to smooth out my curl...and because of the lack of power, my hair didn't dry properly and turned frizzy right away! Another thing I notices was that even though I was using great products, my blow dryer was so damaging it made that effort obsolete.

              I learned real fast that a good blow dryer does make the difference and from experience I am sharing this with you. My blow dryer of choice is the Parlux 3200 Compact Hair Dryer and is also what I use when working on my clients. In Parlux ionic blow dryers, the flow of negative ions bombard the drops of water molecules, transforming them into micro-molecules which are absorbed by the hair, leaving it soft, shiny and healthy. As much as I use my dryer....I have not had the need to replace it with a new one. This has truly been the longest lasting dryer I have ever had...so imagine how long this will last you. Though the professional quality dryers are more expensive, not only do the dryers last years, but your style can last for days. Less need to style your hair everyday means less time wasted and less products used. You save time and money. Well worth the investment.

For more information on Parlux Hair Dryers go to www.birthofbeauty.com

1 comment:

  1. it really does make a huge difference! i have had the $9 dryer (thanks walmart) and used the sultra and it was night and day!!!
